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BERLIN, DE., Dec. 17 – Dec. 22 2017

Ausstellungseröffnung und Buchvorstellung:
So., 17.12.2017, 15:00 – 19:00
Bis zum 22.12.2017, tgl. 17:00 – 20:00

Wolliner Strasse 50, 10435 Berlin


STATE COLLEGE, PA., Nov 3 – Dec. 2017

THEY HAVE NAMES walking photo exhibit in State College, PA

Launch on First Friday event at 5 pm on November 3, 2017 at Webster’s Bookstore Café with a brief talk by photographer Daniel Sonnentag, followed by a walking tour of the photo exhibit venues throughout downtown.
The exhibit will run through December (possibly through First Night)

–Main venues: Municipal Building exhibit space (main floor) &
Webster’s Bookstore Café
–At business across town, including: Appalachian Outdoors, Chuck Fong Photography, The Art Alliance, Rapid Transit
–At faith communities including the UUFCC, State College Presbyterian Church
–At public spaces including Panarama Elementary School, Delta, Schlow Library,
–On the Penn State Campus, including the HUB and Walker Buidling
infos: www.facebook.com/events/140873396656566

WASHINGTON D.C., April 20 – May 31 2017

THEY HAVE NAMES Photo Exhibit with Daniel Sonnentag
The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development
2425 Virginia Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20037 USA
infos: www.facebook.com/events/1887580528154797
more infos: www.thejerusalemfund.org/events/upcoming/daniel-sonnentag-names

BERLIN, 26. März 20:00 – 22:00

Vortrag: Wie aus Fremden Freunde werden + Ausstellung Finissage
REFO Moabit – Beusselstraße 35, 10551 Berlin
infos: www.facebook.com/events/648121512054072

BERLIN, 22. März 2017 19:00 – 21:00

THEY HAVE NAMES: „Ankommen in Berlin: Geflüchtete im Gespräch“
REFO Moabit – Beusselstraße 35, 10551 Berlin
infos: www.facebook.com/events/1441562315887913

BERLIN, 13. März 2017 – 26. März 2017

THEY HAVE NAMES Fotoausstellung
13. März 2017 – 26. März 2017
REFO Moabit – Beusselstraße 35, 10551 Berlin
Infos: www.facebook.com/events/1465080780183356